Positive and negative general characteristics of Virgo
Positive and negative general characteristics of Virgo
The cycle of Virgo, the sixth of the 12 zodiac signs, occurs annually from August 23 to September 22. Even if you don t have a Virgo planet in your horoscope, it s important to understand this energy, as various planets visit Virgo throughout the year and awaken the earth energy of this sign. Important traits you should know about Virgo…
1. You don t need to ask a Virgo if their glass is half full or half empty, because for them, the glass is always dirty.
2. They have very specific ways of keeping things running smoothly. They prefer not to sleep unless their bed is perfect.
3. It can make a cold impression on the first meeting, it takes some time to warm up.
4. They finish a task whether it takes 10 minutes or 10 hours.