Positive and negative general characteristics of Capricorn
Positive and negative general characteristics of Capricorn
The cycle of Capricorn, the tenth of the 12 signs of the zodiac, takes place every year from December 22 to January 20. Even if you don t have a Capricorn placement in your horoscope, it s important to understand this energy as various planets visit Capricorn throughout the year to awaken the earth energy of this sign. Important traits you should know about Capricorn…
1. They are more likely to marry late. They are self-sufficient people.
2. If you re planning to break up with them but don t know how, suggest going crazy and they ll run away before you finish your sentence.
3. First of all for them is seriousness, they do not like random actions.
4. They are very hardworking, they know well that work is the only key to success.