Characteristics of male taurus
Мужчина Телец – Отношения
If they can tap into their feminine side, they can learn to trust their feelings. Unfortunately, when they have to make difficult emotional decisions, they become silent and numb. When they finally do open up, encourage them to express all their feelings and avoid overreacting. If you manage to win her heart, you will have a long-term relationship, and the way she shows her love is surprisingly sincere.
Taurus Man – Sexuality
The Taurus man is generous, sexual, and meticulous; He is very ready to give pleasure to the person he loves. This does not leave the partner dissatisfied.
Taurus man - Love
Taurus men can be reliable and loyal lovers for the right person. Although they look quiet, they speak well with words; They like to think long and hard about the words they choose. Being thoughtful individuals, Taurus men may choose to remain silent if they are unsure of what they feel or want. Therefore, it is better not to force them to answer. They need time because they like to think about their emotional changes.