Personal characteristics of the Taurus
Taurus personality traits
The signs are grouped according to three different qualities: cardinal (pioneer), mutable and fixed signs. Taurus is one of the four fixed signs; The other four fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These constellations fall in the middle of each season. These are signs of balance; They set themselves a goal and then start building. They take the interesting ideas pioneered by the pioneers and turn them into something tangible.
Taurus is one of the three signs grouped under the earth element (the others being Virgo and Capricorn). As it is the first earth sign of the zodiac cycle, it is like the foundation that forms the building. Most Taurus are balancers, trying to keep themselves and others safe. They tend to see things from a simple, practical and realistic perspective. Money is easy for a Taurus and they can work on the same project for years.
A rough and stubborn sign, Taurus energy has two different speeds: either relaxed like a bull grazing in a meadow or exuberant like a bull in a bullfight. Taurus has a built-in energy saving program. If something is worth spending time and resources on, it is achieved with patience. He likes to break his work into small steps.
Although there is a negative side to their stubbornness, this stubbornness can also be called commitment; no matter what, their ability to complete tasks is immense. This is the characteristic that makes them great workers. Also, long-term friendship and love are typical of Taurus.
Taurus ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love, attraction, beauty, fulfillment, creativity and appreciation. Taurus is loyal and does not like sudden changes and criticism.